Robertha Ferguson dropped 29.5 pounds and 4 inches to win the popular Outdoor Fitness Bahamas 30 Day Challenge 28.0 which recently concluded. 
The previous record was 27 pounds, but, armed with the 30 Day Challenge Meal plan, consistent attendance at her workout sessions and her faith, Robertha eclipsed the old record by 1.5 pounds.
Joining Robertha in breaking the old record was Dr. Sean Knowles who dropped an amazing 27.4 pounds and 3.2 inches during The 30 Day Challenge!! 
Robertha had this to say shortly after her amazing accomplishment:
"The 30 Day Challenge is a proven effective plan...if u stay focused, stick with the plan and attend the workouts. The workouts require you to dig deep within yourself and push for your goal. I do enjoy my workouts and head trainer Craig Walkine is always encouraging. 
However, I  just knew that I needed help greater than my own to do this so I prayed and asked God to help me and to help me lose 30 pounds.  God  honored my prayer request and here I am 29.4 pounds lighter.  Praise God!"

​         ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​       MARTIN DROPS 31 LBS IN 30 DAYS TO WIN

           THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE 25.0 (SETS RECORD)



Martin Lundy was determined to win the Outdoor Fitness Bahamas (OFB) 30 Day Challenge, and did he ever. Lundy dropped an amazing 31 pounds and lost 7 inches from his waist to win both the “Most Pounds Lost” and “Most Inches Lost” categories of the 25th edition of the Outdoor Fitness Bahamas 30 Day Challenge! Rounding out the top 5 in the “Most Pounds Lost category were Margaret Bauld who dropped 19.4 pounds, Phylicita Gibson who dropped 18.6 pounds, Tiffany McPhee who lost 17.7 pounds and Christine Neil who lost 16.4 pounds. The top 5 finishers in the “Most Inches Lost” category were Lundy with 7 inches, Tiffany McPhee with 6.6 inches, Phycicita Gibson with 4.8 inches, Christine Neil with 4.5 inches and Carla Bastian-Wallace with 4.3 inches.

Over 70 persons participated in the 30 Day Challenge. The average weight loss for persons who completed the 4-week Challenge was 11.3 pounds and 2.7 inches.

 The next Outdoor Fitness Bahamas 30 Day Challenge is scheduled for September.Type your paragraph here.